Based on previous studies, varieties suitable for cultivation in Estonia are pre-selected and field trials with cannabis, oat, fava bean and green pea are carried out in cooperation with Estonian University of Life Sciences, Estonian Crop Research Institute and agricultural producers for three years to determine the effect of variety, growth year and growing technology on yield. The suitability of less cultured but protein rich crops (millet and lentil) as a source of plant protein is also evaluated. The yield of crude protein per hectare, the amino acid composition of the protein and the content of inhibitors inhibiting protein uptake are determined.

The activity is being carried out by the Estonian University of Life Sciences Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Polli Horticultural Research Centre. The coordinator is Hedi Kaldmäe (
Arictle in the magazine „Agronoomia“:
- Article “Hariliku hirsi ja õlikanepi saagikus ning seemnete proteiinisisaldus 2019. aastal”
- Article “Liblikõielised kui taimse valgu allikad”
Webinar on the 27th of April 2021:
- Presentation by Hedi Kaldmäe (pdf, in Estonian)
- Recording of the presentation (in Estonian)